Introducing Ninichi’s Chiptune Pack (Royalty Free Video Game Music)

By Ninichi | Contact | Follow

Do you need some chiptune / 8-bit style music for your video game or gaming channel? If so, the Chiptune Pack, might be just what you need! 

I’m Ninichi, and I’m a game music composer! I’ve worked on a variety of wonderful indie games – helping to create custom soundtracks and music for game trailers, films and more (see my game music). It’s a great honour to be involved in so many amazing projects; however, I’m also a great supporter of indie projects in general and know that not all games can afford custom music. 

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Introducing Ninichi’s Fantasy Atmospheres 1 (Royalty Free Ambient Music)

By Ninichi | Contact | Follow

Have you been searching for atmospheric, mood creating music for your video game, film or videos? If so, Fantasy Atmospheres 1, could be just what you need! 

I’m Ninichi, and I’m a freelance composer! What that means is that I create music for games, films and other media (see my homepage). I’m usually commissioned to create custom music for different projects, however, I’ve also made some of my music available to license here on my website.

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Introducing Fantasy Atmospheres 1 & 2 (Royalty Free Video Game Music)

Do you need some atmospheric background music for your video game or YouTube channel? If so, my Fantasy Atmospheres 1 and 2 music packs might be just what you need! 

I’m Ninichi, and I’m a game music composer. I create custom music for indie games, films, shows and other media. It’s a wonderful feeling to be involved in such awesome projects and to help bring them to life. I believe that music offers something unique which can really help to enhance a game or film and to shine a new light on it. However, not everyone is in a position to commission me to compose music specifically for them, which is why I’ve created these ready-to-go music packs!

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4 Ways to Source Music for Your Game

Music is an important element to any game. As a game music composer (see more about me!), I really believe that it helps to enhance the overall experience, to bring it all together and to set the general tone of the game. Great music can help to make your game more memorable, more fun to play and can even to make it stand out.

However, it is not always easy or obvious where to find the right music for a game or which approach to take. If you’re wondering what your options are and which way to turn, perhaps this article will help. There are also many other useful tips, articles and resources on my blog so do take a minute to browse through those as well.

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Introducing Ninichi’s Royalty Free Game Music Asset Packs

By Ninichi | Contact | Follow

If you’ve been thinking about using royalty free music for your game, you may be interested in these. I’m Ninichi, a freelance game music composer and I create music for games, film and other media. I am usually commissioned to work on game music soundtracks and custom music for game trailers, film and other shows and media. I also offer some royalty free music available to license through my website, since I’m well aware that not all projects have the budgets available to invest in custom music.

My video game music packs are one of these licensing options and the idea behind these is to enable indie game developers on very tight budgets, to still be able to have great quality music in their games. 

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Understanding How Much an Indie Game Music Composer Costs

By Ninichi | Contact | Follow

If you’re developing a game, at some point you may be wondering whether or not to invest in a custom game music soundtrack and whether to hire a game music composer to work with or not. One big question that I’m sure is on your mind, is how much will it all cost? How much do indie game music composers charge typically?

Unfortunately this isn’t a simple question to answer since every composer is different. However, as a freelance indie game music composer myself (learn more about me!), I can try to give you an overview of what sort of rates you may come across and to help you understand where some of the pricing structures and costs may come from.

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How to Choose & Use Music in Your Film

By Ninichi | Contact | Follow

There are many things to think about when putting together a film.  One key area to think about is the music soundtrack and how to choose music to fit and enhance the film overall. 

As an indie film music composer, I’ve worked on a variety of really interesting films and film projects (see some of the film music I’ve done here and view my credits).  I believe that music plays an important role in films but it isn’t always the easiest aspect to get right. When done well though, the music can really help to enhance a viewer’s experience and understanding of your film and so it’s definitely worth taking the time to think about and to find the right music for your film.

To help you a little bit with this, here are a few things to think about…

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