Introducing the Game: Super Magic Rainbow

Interview by Ninichi | Contact | Follow

I'm really pleased to showcase one of the cutest games I've come across recently - Super Magic Rainbow.  I reached out to the game development team and am pleased to feature the game here on the Ninichi Music Blog. So, here is the interview with Andrea Pelati, the game developer from the Super Magic Rainbow team…

Welcome Andrea and please tell us more about what your game is about…

‘Firstly, I want to thank you Ninichi for this interview. Being in contact with people and have the chance to be discovered is always amazing! Super Magic Rainbow is a free endless arcade squasher, with a soft In-App purchase.

With Super Magic Rainbow we wanted to reimagine the concept of the endless games. We got bored with the simple setting we are used to with the genre and that's why we decided to bring back the old fashioned idea of the squash gameplay, aka jumping over enemies, with the endless arcades mechanic.

We packed this with a lot of work with the music, the visual design and the characters, which are Cupcakes. Cupcakes have their own background and personality, and they are living in Magic Land - a fantasy world where everything is made out of sweets.’

How did you come up with this game concept?

‘We (the team) were playing a lot of running games for another project we had. We thought that we have a lot to say in the genre, and that the genre lacks of a lot of funny mechanics.

Why we choose cupcakes? We love cupcakes, and are very flexible in terms of humanization and character design!

Just a point: we HATE ads, banners and popups, I think pop-ups are Satan 2.0. 

That's why we choose to adopt only rewarded ads, where you can choose to watch a video for a reward, but you can choose to see no ads, when you don't want to. We love players, we are players, we don't want them to be cash cows that annoy.

Please tell us more about your team…

‘The team working on Super Magic Rainbow is me, Andrea Pelati, and I'm the Developer, Alice Lioniello who is our incredible Art Director and Simone Garritano, the 3D master.

Obviously, being a small team, we cover more tasks and take all the decisions together. We have a small company creating immersive experiences and games for third party clients for the last 3 years, but we were all working in the game development arena for the last 5-7 years.

Being not really satisfied with the work and the projects we had, we decided to create our first product and got the taste for adventure! Our plan is to expand the brand and create more and more deep games, something which requires funds we don't have actually ahah!’

What about the game music? Where has that come from?


‘The music has been a very hard part. Being an endless game and an arcade, we could not have a boring theme playing in loop in the ears of the player. Nor did we want something that would be annoying after a couple of plays.

We worked on the music with Massimo Di Giovanbattista, who is a brilliant composer and a sound FX engineer from our partner studio. We decided together to work on something jazzy and fresh (can't think of an arcade game using a jazz theme ), so we started testing some bases to match the gameplay enriching it until we had what we wanted.’

How important is the music for your game & for games generally? 

‘The music and the sounds generally are something very important for the user. You can have a brilliant product totally ruined by bad audio design and music. You can also have a bad game totally shining because of the audio work done behind.

Even a square with a basic animation and a cool music with the right SFX could be fun to play with.’

So, how can we play the game?

Super Magic Rainbow (Alice is telling me to underline the subtitle: Cupcake Adventure!) is complete. We are polishing it, adding some features and expanding the content while waiting for some publishers, because yes, we are looking for a publisher for the game.

The decision is to release it anyway on IOs in September 2016, even if publishers won’t give us the right answers. In the future we plan to release also for Android and, depending on the performances, for Apple TV and Facebook also.

Our main goal, however, is to release more games from the brand, and link them in a gaming ecosystem where, for example, you earn candies and stars in Super Magic Rainbow and you can spend them in another game based on Magic Land.

Thank you Ninichi, and thank to everyone who reads! Hope to see you soon in Magic Land!’

If you would like to find out more about Super Magic Rainbow you can follow the amazing team on Twitter , on Facebook and on Instagram!

From the author Ninichi: If you enjoyed this interview article and are looking for music for your game or project, I'd love to get involved: contact me now to discuss your music needs. Learn more about me and listen to some of my game music.

If you have a game or film that you'd like featured on ninichi's music blog, feel free to contact me and tell me about your game or film.

Follow me @ninichimusic